Henley Business School: Henley (UK) Over the last 32 months, I've been submerged in the pursuit of a Masters degree. The work itself was not technically difficult but getting it done was. There was a large volume of text to get through, thinking and writing to do. The time demand, constantly being one place but thinking about what you actually should be doing, attempting to balance health, spirituality, relationships, a mad juggle. Yup, getting this baby done was hard. The degree exposed me, magnified certain qualities that had been dormant. One, is that I was defined by performance, the grade mattered, something I learned after I tumbled into a state of gloom for the entire day I received a less than average mark. I had deliberately pursued part time over the shorter full time study option whilst working full time because I couldn't afford to do it any other way. I also didn't want my career growth to stop. I made responsible decisions, moved from freelance to...