I recently got told no. Today actually. Even had an explanation, but I was upset. Why? Why does rejection hurt, even when the reason is plausible, even when you know what you must do to turn the rejection around? Because they just do. OK there's a whole psychological (i.e. ego) basis for this but I'd like to discuss the types of nos I've experienced in my professional life and what I've learned from them. Straight up no. The "not good enough..." no. The "not now" no... The one that starts as a yes then later turns into a "we can't afford this/our strategy has changed/ we will revert and they actually don't. It's you that turns stalker because you're not the only one they are speaking with. Then there's the go back and rework it no. I work in the creative industries and I have been on the giving and receiving end of every single one of these. Every one of them sucks! WHY? As a creative(or anyone that cares about w...